Applications for One South Euclid’s (OSE) 2022 Neighborhood Grant Program will be available starting Monday, January 31 at www.onesoutheuclid.org and will close on Friday, March 4 at 12:00 a.m. OSE will hold a virtual information and Q & A session on Tuesday, February 8 at 5:30 p.m. Click here for the the link to join the meeting.
The Neighborhood Grant program includes grants for senior landscaping services (snow plowing and grass cutting), storefront renovations, and exterior home repairs. You must live in or own a business property in South Euclid to be eligible. A grant committee composed of OSE Board members who are volunteers and city residents oversee all aspects of the program. They will evaluate applications based on applicant need and impact to the community to determine the awardees in a blind review process (excluding storefront renovations). Final decisions are expected to be made by May.
The purpose of the Senior Landscaping grants is to help the city’s residents age in place. They provide support to seniors 65 years or older who are physically unable to regularly cut their lawns and shovel snow, have no family or friends who can help, and lack the financial means for such services.
As in past years, OSE continues to partner with the Community Partnership on Aging (CPA) to facilitate the application process for senior landscaping grants. CPA’s mission is to promote independence, a healthy lifestyle, community involvement, opportunities for personal growth, and provide support for family caregivers. Residents work directly with CPA to apply for a grant. Those who are interested and eligible should contact Annette at 216-316-5373 before February 23 to ensure their application can be completed by CPA prior to the March 4 deadline.
OSE’s Business Storefront Renovations awards commercial property owners a matching grant for transformational exterior renovations. Eligible projects include all exterior building repairs that are visible from the street. These grants offer awards up to $30,000 and require a 100% match from the property owner. Applications must come from the business’ property owner – business owners who don’t own the property are not eligible to apply. Applicants will be asked to describe the proposed renovation, provide an expected timeline for completion, and renderings. The application will be online as of January 31. Final decisions will be made by May and projects must be completed by December, 31, 2022.
Exterior Home Repair grants allow residents of owner-occupied homes assistance for select exterior home repairs. Eligible projects include driveway replacement, garage replacement, house painting, roof replacement, sidewalk replacement, siding replacement, step unit replacement and tree removal. At its discretion, OSE may fund up to 50% of a project’s cost. The application will be online as of January 31. Final decisions will be made by May and projects must be completed by December, 31, 2022.
Resident, Janet Ballard, received a new garage with an Exterior Home Repair grant at the end of 2021 and she says it made a tremendous impact. “I’m a person who always looked in my backyard and felt discouraged. I had only a broken slab where a garage should be. Financially, I couldn’t afford a garage and I had received citations. But then the city told me about the One South Euclid grants. When I received one last year, for the first time I began to have hope. Looking out my back window now, I see the sun shining on my new garage and it makes my whole yard look brand new. I’m so happy and grateful to One South Euclid for looking out for a senior citizen.”
Public Meeting Notice
One South Euclid Virtual Board Meeting
Thursday, February 3, 2022
6 - 7 p.m.
(US) +1 316-835-1092 PIN: 447 714 815#