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Our strategic plan is a dynamic blueprint for OSE’s continued growth as it enters its 15th year and works to help support the revitalization of South Euclid’s residential and business communities. Our goals cover areas related to organizational excellence, governance, financial sustainability, economic development, and community engagement.

  • Sustain an organizational infrastructure that reflects excellence in management and establishes sound policies and procedures.

  • Sustain an organizational infrastructure that reflects excellence in governance.

  • Secure sufficient revenue streams and contributions to support OSE’s long-term sustainability.

  • Secure our community’s economic future through selective revitalization projects coordinated with those of the city and its Master Plan.

  • Expand outreach efforts to connect with business owners, merchants, and other organizations in the Mayfield-Green District in cooperation with the city to promote sustainable economic growth and development in the downtown district.

  • Expand resident and business engagement through diverse programming and volunteer opportunities that sustain and grow South Euclid as a diverse and inclusive place to live, work and play.

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