There will be a public meeting to discuss the 2022 Neighborhood Grant Program, a program of One South Euclid, your community development corporation. The Neighborhood Grant Program has funded exterior home repairs, landscaping services for senior citizens, community events, and beautification projects. Residents interested in learning more about the program and providing input into next year’s program, are welcomed and encouraged to attend this meeting.
The meeting will also discuss One South Euclid’s proposed application to the Cuyahoga County Community Development Supplemental Grant (CDSG) Program. One South Euclid has received funding for its Neighborhood Grant Program through this grant every year since 2017.
The meeting will be held via Webex Virtual Meeting on Thursday, December 2, 2021 at
6 p.m. To attend, click on the virtual meeting link: https://thecityofsoutheuclid.my.webex.com/thecityofsoutheuclid.my/j.php?MTID=m2c10b0bd8320f351c2275decc391f437
Questions regarding the public hearing and Neighborhood Grant Program can be addressed to Annette Iwamoto at annette@onesoutheuclid.org or 216-316-5373.
Please note that we anticipate offering additional virtual and in-person meetings following the release of the 2022 Neighborhood Grant Program application in January to support those looking to apply.